How to travel abroad on limited means–Ray Houston.How to keep a car in good running condition–Michele Jolley.Surviving a triple-trauma car accident–Pam Browning.Training for and competing in bicycle races–Chad Schoenauer.The stress and joys of working in a high-volume restaurant–Kirk Dockery.How to make and use dandelion oil to relieve physical ailments–Jennifer Delerme.How to make one of Spain's favorite dishes–Rebecca Ramirez.Calligraphy–a relaxing, inexpensive hobby–Sherry Boles.

The satisfactions of growing a flower garden–Ann Hensley.How to survive if stranded in the wilderness–Ryan Banning, rescue worker.The advantages of home fitness equipment over membership in a spa or gym–Dawn Lajoie.Marriage customs and traditions for couples in India–Preeti Vilkhu.The basics of the water sport called windsurfing–Benjamin Lunsford.Using a mountain bike for transportation and exercise–Brian Bartlett.Walking trips in Great Britain and Ireland.The best carnivals–from New Orleans to Rio.The telegraph: the 'internet' of the 19th Century.Wolves in the living room - how the wolf evolved into of the domestic dog.The fine art of haggling at a flea market.How to earn $1,000 a month in your spare time.Is Open Office better than Microsoft Office?.

Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001. If you are in Nursing, or any science related field, you would most likely use the American Psychology Association (APA) format. If you are in any English related field or teaching fields, other than sciences, most likely you would use the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Some Popular Sources Referenced in MLA & APA Formats: